Greenhouse Supplies
Epic Greenhouses wants to give you everything you need to help your greenhouse thrive! We offer a complete line of greenhouse supplies, including staging benches, mist and cool systems, base kits and much much more!
HeatStar Blue Flame Heater - 30,000 BTU Natural Gas
$535.00 -
HeatStar Blue Flame Heater - 30K BTU Propane
$535.00 -
Juliana Basic 300 - 6' x 6' Greenhouse Base Kit
Juliana Premium 13.0 Base Kit
Junior Orangerie Accessory Kit
$1,199.00 -
Junior Victorian Accessory Kit
L.B. White Volt 1.5 - 1500 Watt Electric Heater
$325.00 -
L.B. White Volt 3 - 3000 Watt Electric Heater
$455.00 -
L.B. White Volt 6 - 6000 Watt Electric Heater
L.B. White Volt 9 - 9000 Watt Electric Heater
$920.00 -
Mist and Cool Extension Kit
$25.00 -
Mist and Cool Misting System
Motorized Shutter Fan
Non-Motorized Shutter Fan
$358.00 -
Plant Hangers
Programmable Outlet Thermostat
$79.00 -
Riga Automatic Window Opener
$99.00 -
Riga Door Frame Extension Kit - 20" taller (III, IV, V)